No matter you’re a doctor or a lawyer or a hospital manager, everybody likes to save money. Especially, when it comes to the healthcare sector, the reimbursements get pinched and looking at your checkbook could be a feeling of overwhelming. Because of getting tried to become more economical, we all get into the trap of becoming uncertain to invest in something. If you’re a physician, you may feel safe to incline towards the inexpensive desktop as your medical imaging viewer. Or, probably you’ll also be seeking free open source apps that run on your PC. But, the fact is that you might even want to store your images there. In this issue, we have some recommendations on where you can save some money for you while we clap your plan.
Now, let’s know some tips to save money on PACS as well as free web based DICOM viewer.
Look For Using An Inexpensive In-House PACS
As a lover of Horos or OsiriX app, you know that your laptop or desktop is probably costly to you. If you’re able to view using your desktop viewer then it’s simply great! But, don’t underestimate of the shocking risk of getting lost of your all data. In short, we can say that your PC can’t be an optimal storage solution for your medical images. If you measure up to the other features available to you, its capacity to hold the storage is like a joke. So, it’s a relatively low-cost on-site PACS that’s one of the best alternative storing units of your images.
Usually, PACS is comprised of directly connected with some server where you store your images and data. As this service is not free to avail, you can use it just for less than $2,500 at the smallest end. But, when you’ll think about bigger storage for your big data volume, you’ll need to get the bigger one that comes at less than $5000.
Get Going with Pay As You Go
When you find your budget of storing medical images and data is still out of your range, you can think using the offsite backup. It’s because it’ll be used as your primary PACS, you can ensure you have offsite backups as well. But, the question is that how you can save money from this option and the answer is that you’ll have to pay a little amount for this service. Not just this one is the only reason to choose it; you also don’t need to pay their maintenance fees. Ranging from $500 to $1,000, you’ll probably have an initial setup fee that depends on your demand.

Bottom Line
Depending on your demand and budget, you’ll find an affordable PACS solution with free cloud storage for you. And in this case, you’ll certainly be able to save money while using medical imaging apps or viewers. But, when it comes to on-site PACS, you’ll find them very affordable if you can choose them carefully and in the right way.