Camping cots are useful at the time people sleep in tents. These cots are usually minimalist beds that come without fancy. So, they’re some unique types of frills such as your mattresses or box springs.
However, the camping costs of these days have made with aluminum and steel along with polyester or canvass pad for a bit comfortable sleep. No matter you have planned to get places to camp in Santa Barbara, it doesn’t mean cots are obvious for you.
But, it could be for some others. This is why we are going to share some tips that will help you to decide whether you really need them or not.
Size & Weight
We’re starting with the most possible drawbacks of camping cots. It matters much the size as well as the weight of a cot while camping somewhere. One of the strong and steel made cots might be a weight of 20lbs or more. Even if you choose a cot made of aluminum, it’ll not less than 15lbs.
It doesn’t necessary to say that you’ll not like to carry anything with you like a cot. It’s because that’s heavier on deep forest or a trip on a backpack. This is why the juice of cots is very hard to squeeze that indicates to avoid it.
Besides, when it comes to the size of the cots, you’ll find a large variation on it. Usually, cots are large enough and the common one is 6 feet 6 inches while some bigger sized ones are out there for the people with extra height. Likewise, their width also varies widely from 28-inch to 40-inch.
So, ensure if it’ll get enough room for your tent before you purchase one. Also, don’t forget to consider the height of a cot. You should broadly consider these all things while looking for a cot at the campsite.

While thinking a campsite bedded down with a tent for nighttime is somewhat a miserable experience. But, this is a common situation for most campers that are sleeping on simple and regular mats. Coming with the sleeping cots can keep you off the solid ground.
It can avail you of a supportive and smooth surface. Also, some cots are padded and come with a pillow for additional comfort. Overall, they’re an important improvement more than most other available options.
Another good thing about camping cots is that they’ll keep you cool while it’s warm outside. Also, they help you to stay warmer in the cool weather.
They’ll not block the airflow that improves circulation at the time the vents remain open because they’re not grand off the ground.
This is why the frozen ground will not make you soak when it’s very cold outside. This indicates cots are useful at the campsite.
You might also be thinking about the issue of storing your cots while it’s not in use. We already have talked a lot about their size as well weight that makes an issue when it comes to using in the tent inside.
When you set them up, they help you to save some space because they stay a bit up from the ground. This makes you able to put some stuff under your cots.
It means that you don’t have to keep your backpack to soak in the cold or rain. So, using a cot will not make an issue occupying your space inside of the tent.
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